Saturday, January 19, 2013

Thoughts the night before we leave

It has been a really good furlough. And tonight, our last night before we fly back, it's over. We've spent the week packing, running all the last minute errands that come with moving and leaving. I've used an automatic washing machine one last time. Savored ordering a drink at Starbucks one last time. Loaded dishes into a dishwasher one last time. Not all hard memories to leave though... I paid $4 a gallon for gas one last time! :)

We took the boys to Disneyland yesterday, compliments of my grandmother's Christmas gift to our family. It was fun and beautiful weather and magical just the way I had prayed it would be. Caleb's eyes lit up watching the dolls dance in "It's a Small World." Elijah bravely rode BY HIMSELF on a ride, just because, at 8 years old, he could. And Ezra commanded the ship in Storybook Land when the boat driver set him up high on the back railing - he was so proud of himself you would have thought he owned the boat. Was a beautiful day. Late at night as we were watching the parade and the princesses dance by, it hit me that this world - this American world where parents give their children wonderful, special experiences just for fun... was the same world of our overseas life... where little girls like Penny don't feast on fireworks and princesses but starve for breathe and die slow, painful deaths to undiagnosed, yet, easily treatable diseases. 

We are about to leave the one world and enter the other. I cried yesterday when I saw my little boys gasp for excitement at all the wonder around them. I know I will cry in the months and years to come at the injustice and pain and sorrow that is part of the world we have adopted. I don't know how the Lord does it - smiling with all the little girls and boys so excited at Disneyland and yet weeping as little ones miles away suffer unknown and unnoticed. 

I am thankful tonight. Thankful for the good months we have had here. Thankful for how my soul has been fed and filled and rested. Truthfully, I am scared to go back. But I am thankful for the chance to work and reach out and grow and be tested. Hard life, we live sometimes. But rich. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Scenes from a Texas December

December was way different this year than what we've gotten used to overseas... for starters, it was cold. :) Overstuffed stores decorated for Christmas and the radio blared Christmas music non-stop, both much to Brant's annoyance. But mostly, it was just way, way busy with lots of events and activities. We enjoyed all the treats - chocolate chips and Christmas sprinkles; driving around and seeing decorated houses; shopping. :) (Well, just I enjoyed that!) Fun, but definitely crazy... 

The boys wanted a "big" tree this year, one that was "real." We headed to a local tree farm to cut one down. 
Elijah found one he wanted for his room...

We finally picked one as a fam...

And the men all helped cut it down...

In our house, decorated with borrowed ornaments...

We spent one Friday night at a living nativity (which I didn't get a single pic of!) and then at a trail of lights which was way fun...

And we ended the evening with huge slices of pie...

The boys participated in the church's Christmas program...

We baked treats for the neighbors and the boys' teachers...

Made a gingerbread train...

And visited Santa at the little candy shop in town...

The boys with their advent gift of the day...

Right before Christmas, we packed up our house and moved in with my parents. Sad to say good bye to our little house - SO thankful for the beautiful little house God has given us. This is on the last day...