Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas fun

It has been two weeks since our brown eyed boy turned four, and we STILL don't have pictures. I am sorry... I was so prepped and ready for his little party - I took my camera and got to the party and realized my camera batteries had totally died. But Brant showed up with his brand new nifty phone with a camera and took pictures... which a month later, are still stuck on the phone/camera and we have no idea how to get them off! :(

So my boys love hats, and the popular hat of the season is you guessed it....

One fun thing we have done this season that might become a tradition in our family is doing a "thank you box." A week or two before Thanksgiving I was wanting to do something with the boys to help them realize how much they have to be thankful for. As I was thinking and praying about it, I realized I wanted them to be more than just "thankful" - we wanted them to realize that all the good things in their lives - whether packages from friends or fun treats for snack or new library books - are all gifts from God. Caleb had just learned James 1:17 in his Cubbies book and so we wrapped a gift box and each night we all say a "gift" God has given us that we are thankful for. Brant writes them down and the boys fold them up and put them in the box.It's easy to carry over into Christmas as gifts are very much on the mind. Here's a picture of our little box... it's a bit well-loved. :) But it's been really fun to see them think of things they are thankful for and to see them learning to thank God for all His "gifts."

1 comment:

  1. I love it!!! The "thank you" box is such a great idea! I can tell you right now, three of the gifts from God I am MOST thankful for are three absolutely adorable little Blythe boys so very far away. I'll be looking forward to seeing those birthday pictures when they are finally retrieved. Your tale brings back memories of the boys' Auntie Amber's first birthday celebrated in style camping at the Grand Canyon. We took TONS of wonderful pictures...with the lens cap on the camera the entire time!!! Sadly, those pictures will never be retrieved! Oh well, we have our memories!! Love ~ Grandma
