Saturday, January 21, 2012


Yesterday morning the boys were outside playing... and may or may not have gotten Brant's machete out of his workshop.... and I may or may not have turned a blind eye, because like going bare foot, playing with sharp objects (and fire, but that's a whole other post) is part of MK life. And 10 minutes later I hear Elijah screaming bloody murder and I go tearing through the house to see him come in from outside with blood all over his hands.... We got his thumb all bandaged up and are praying tetanus doesn't set in. :) It was actually just a tiny cut, but Elijah can be a BIT dramatic sometimes. And lots of blood can be pretty dramatic too.

But before you think I am a horrible mother, just know that you are not alone... my national neighbor friends think the same thing. If I had been a good mother I would have let him start playing with a machete when he was 2 or 3 and by age 7 he would know how to handle one and wouldn't be cutting himself!

Our machete got a lot of use yesterday. Brant was coming in from the backyard last night when he saw a HUGE snake (well, maybe only about a foot long) coiled up on our screen door... we sprayed it with bug spray (which also works well on rats and geckos) and instead of dying, the sucker dropped to the ground and slide under the back door... into the house! Brant grabbed the machete and chased it and started hacking it to pieces. You know what machete on tile floor sounds like?

I should sell an album entitled "Sounds of the Missionary Life"
Track 1 "Christmas Hut Music at 4 am"
Track 2 "New Year's Eve Firecrackers = WW III"
Track 3 "Tropical Thunderstorm on a Tin Roof"
Track 4 "Machete Cutting on Tile Floors"

1 comment:

  1. OK, Em, now I see why you wanted me to wait and be "surprised"! I am and will certainly be praying Elijah doesn't get tetanus. Randy's first question..."Was it a dangerous snake?" I told him I didn't think that would make a big difference when it came slithering into your house. We will both be looking forward to your album!!! By the way, I was talking with Susie the other day and she was telling me Brandon's Melissa, in Africa, went to get something out of the cabinet under her kitchen sink and found a black mamba. By the time Brandon got there, it was gone...likely somewhere in their house. Another time she found a tarantula in the same cabinet. Apparently, both are VERY poisonous. I am so very thankful you are not living in Africa!!!!! I know, there is always something to be thankful for! My love ~ Kathy
