Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Hairy days

I am not talking about the craziness of the last few weeks and how Brant and I are so stressed we're about to go crazy. Normal life takes a lot of work here - add on getting ready for a big translation workshop, packing our home and planning a trip around the globe and we're just totally wiped out.

No, talking about real hair. :) Never thought hair would be a big topic of conversation in a home with 3 boys, but I've been surprised.

It started about a month ago when the boys' hair was starting to get long and I thought it would be cute to try to spike their hair. Give it a bit more style than the "I just rolled out of bed and I'm 7" look that we've been sporting. :)

Crying. Tears. Yelling to "Get this goop out of my hair as fast as you can!" So, we're not going to spike any hair any time soon. Not sure what the problem was, though both Elijah and Caleb cried like you'd have thought we pulled each hair out one at a time with tweezers. :)

But since then, Elijah's been very particular about styling his hair. He has spent hours (well, maybe minutes!) working on this hair style that he loves... and Brant and I have lots of bloody lips trying to keep from laughing out our precious firstborn....

And Caleb, ever wanting to follow in Elijah's footsteps, has begun sporting the same style. (It's water, not gel.)

It finally got so bad I begged Brant to put down his supply orders and take the poor kids to the barber. (Which also bought me about an hour of totally quiet house time!) :) So, now the boys' heads are shaved and Elijah's having a hard time getting his hair to do what he wants it to do. :)

But just yesterday I walked into the living room and this is what I saw....

Caleb was such a good barber, he even used a "razor" (play knife!) to shave the edges after he had "cut" with the scissors and "comb" (play fork!). Then he poured powder all over Ezra and dusted him off with a brush and told him to go home right away and get a shower to get all the hairs off his neck!

Loving the comic relief my little men provide in the middle of some really busy days.

1 comment:

  1. Such a funny post. Eli pastes his hair down too!..he and Elijah are two little blonde peas in a pod:)
