Friday, April 5, 2013

A bit of this, a bit of that

We had a really fun Easter weekend. 6 kids for an Easter egg hunt and 38 plastic eggs. If you’re quick on the math, each kid got 6. :) Today I had my house helper clean and bleach all the plastic eggs and dry them to store for next year. I am so thankful that I have a house helper to do tasks like that. I guess in America you’re not as concerned that a tiny speck of jelly bean residue inside a plastic egg might invite every ant in the entire Eastern Hemisphere to come reside in your house. But since we do worry about stuff like that here, I’m glad I have a helper.

The family who lived in this house before us had an automatic washing machine. They left it for us to use. Love.

The bugs have been attacking me lately. Last night I had a giant gecko fall from the ceiling as I was getting ready for bed. Needless to say bedtime was delayed as I screamed and ran from the room and Brant got his gecko gun (in America they call them air soft guns) and shot the poor thing to death. It was pretty big though; he had to get 5-6 dead-on hits to get the sucker to die. Tonight a huge roach ran across the counter as I was reaching for a spoon. And not technically aiming for me, but Brant and the boys caught the mother of all spiders yesterday... seriously the body is bigger than a ping pong ball and the legs go on forever. It’s living in a jar outside.

And speaking of scary things finding me, I found this on my pillow the other night, courtesy of my 8 year old son who thinks he's pretty funny. :)

We found our missing boxes! I thought only one was missing, though with all the stuff that we were short, was figuring it must have been a REALLY big box. One night last week it hit me that “All that missing stuff is the Lord’s. If He wants it gone... or given away... or stolen and winding up in the hands of people who don’t know the worth of a $100 anodized iron cooking pot, then that’s His decision. Was never my stuff to begin with.” Was really freeing to think that all through. The next morning Brant found the boxes. 3 of them. SO excited. I love my pot. (And I got it for $25 at the Crate and Barrel outlet store!) But I don’t think the Lord “returned” it just because I finally was at peace with letting it go... I know sometimes God works that way. But sometimes He doesn’t.

The boys have been super cranky lately. I think really tired from all the excitement and craziness that our life is right now. Tonight was the last game night for the school year up at the international school. We were all excited to go and hang out with friends and eat dinner. Leaving the house though, the boys were so picky with each other and fussing non-stop. We stopped the car and told them not to fight or pick at each other or we would turn the car around and go home. We drove all of 5 more feet and they started fighting about something else. So... we turned the car around and drove home. Extreme wailing and gnashing of teeth commenced. They were NOT happy to say the least. But quick showers, bread with peanut butter and they were in bed by 6:30. I felt like a horrible parent. 

I am seeing in my life lately how ungracious I am. How quick to see faults in others, but justify or rationalize my own shortcomings and sins. God has been so patient with me. I am so not patient with others.

Caleb is my little artist. He has such an eye for detail. Brant and Ezra were wrestling on the couch the other day and Caleb had them pause and he drew their picture! I was pretty impressed. Will be saving it as I'm sure it will be worth millions some day. :)

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