Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Best of 2013

I kinda figured I should come up with some brilliant wisdom for the beginning of the new year.... seems to be the thing to do on a blog. :) But seriously, this year and all the changes facing us scare me. So nothing profound here as 2014 starts. Rather, I wanted to share all the things that influenced me in 2013.... things the Lord used to grow me and challenge me and make me laugh.

No particular order.... I linked them all.... not that I get any kind of compensation, but because I really think you should go listen to that Shane and Shane song. :)

My Beth Moore Bible study.... what I think about Beth Moore is another whole post, but I went through her study Jesus the One and Only this year and I really loved it. (Yes, 10 week study took me 6 months!) Many of her lessons concentrated on dicipleship and serving in Christian ministry, which I found to be really, really applicable to this stage of my life.

Finally got around to reading this one.... Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. Well worth it. Such a powerful WWII book. Over dinner each night, I told boys snippets of the story as I read it (like the time the Allies were dropping food packages into the POW camp and a whole bag of oranges landed on a guy while he was sitting in the outhouse... they loved that one) :)

We usually watch a TV show each evening before we go to bed. Don't judge. TV and movies are a whole other post. :) Anyways, we started Psych this year.... really funny, light show and clean. Love that we can laugh out loud. I will say we're only a couple seasons in, so I can't vouch for the quality as it progresses - I've noticed that a lot of shows we've watched get darker/heavier as they go.

New TV show I started this year... Call the Midwife. A fellow Downton loving friend recommended this and it took a bit to get into it... the trauma of childbirth is not an experience I care to recall in my down time. But once I got into it, I loved it. I will say, it was not a show I could get Brant to watch with me. I may or may not have spent a few summer Sunday afternoons in my AC'd bedroom watching them by myself.

Favorite song of the year, hands down. A woman shared this with me at the conference I went to in October. I may have listened to it every day since. Though You Slay Me by Shane and Shane - featuring John Piper. As far as I can tell you can only get this off YouTube.

Favorite bedtime book I read with the boys.... Missionary Stories with the Millers by Midred Martin. Boys LOVED it. Brant and I loved it. Fun to read. Only issue that Caleb came up with is"Why aren't we in that book?" Not cool enough I guess. :)

Also got this from my conference.... Francis Chan's The Balance Beam video.... very powerful.

Another song... the Lord really used this to quiet my heart after a very tumultuous few weeks in November.  Leave to thy God to order and provide....  Kari Jobe's Be Still My Soul (And the album this comes from is excellent. Will go down as my favorite of 2014 - I just bought it.) :)

I have been a Steven Curtis Chapman fan for years and years. (Seriously since I was 12.) I love that his relationship with the Lord and what the Lord is teaching him is reflected in his music.... and usually hits me right where I am at in my walk with the Lord. The Glorious Unfolding was a Christmas present from my mother-in-law and I have listened to the title track at least 2-3 times a day lately.

Lay your head down tonight
Take a rest from the fight
Don’t try to figure it out
Just listen to what I’m whispering to your heart
‘Cause I know this is not
Anything like you thought
The story of your life was gonna be
And it feels like the end has started closing in on you
But it’s just not true
There’s so much of the story that’s still yet to unfold

So here's to the glorious unfolding of 2014!

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