Thursday, October 30, 2014

Still alive

Hello from the swamps. I am alive.

The last few months have been a whirlwind... as has much of this year. Little by little, I plan to catch up on blogging it all - just to have a record of these crazy days. 

Truth be told, I have written a few posts.... but with the holidays and the World Cup and national elections all summer (and a visiting "healer" from America") all the band-width in town was bought up and we were without Internet much of the summer. 

And the cable company hasn't set up shop here in the tribe yet.... we are probably the last place on earth to ever get cable, or Internet, or electricity or running water for that matter. :)

Pics from our life lately....

Playing in the mud during a rain storm. I let them do this once. Once. They had a BLAST, but after a week of trying to get their clothes clean, the rule is now "You can play in the rain, but not the mud!" 

Instant "fun" night - eating dinner on the floor. Why does everything taste better at a picnic?

 This has been one of my personal huge stressors.... trying to figure out what to do with all the produce people bring me. I got all of the above in the span of 2 days.... the bananas are a win; the boys love the sugar cane, despite the pain of peeling and cutting them (long fat sticks on the far right) and the cucumbers (bright orange in the middle of the pile) are surprisingly sweet and yum. But the palm pit pasty stuff (the stuff that looks like rocks in the bottom left, and also wrapped in the leaves) ....really could have done without. I feel horribly guilty throwing it away, knowing it's a full meal for some tribal person, but the stuff is nasty beyond belief and I don't have the time or energy to figure out how to cook it to make it palatable. 

Brant built MY desk area (our clothes shelves are in the far right) I am beyond thrilled. I love it. I feel like in college - having my own desk that no one messes with and I can decorate however I want to. :) 

 We now have a double digits boy. Celebrated with a team trip to the river to swim. 

The family hike from..... well, let's just say we got 200 yards from the house before we realized Ezra was in his flip flops and that mud in the bottom of the photo is very unforgiving of weak footwear. The trail was so muddy and dense, we gave up about 10 minutes in and came home with cuts, scrapes and leeches. (And Brant carried Ezra the whole way back.) 

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