Tuesday, September 18, 2012


A lady told me today we were "refreshingly normal" for missionaries. 

I just laughed. Nothing about our life is normal... whatever that is supposed to be. But I'm pretty sure pre-kindergarten chest x-rays for your 5 year old to test for TB because his little buddy died from the disease is not normal. Nor is explaining to your 7 year old how a dishwasher works. 

I'm also not sure what her comment was supposed to mean for all the other missionaries out there in the world. :)

But this past weekend was sweet normalcy for us and we savored every stereotypical American minute. 

We had movie night on Friday night as is our overseas tradition... but we had frozen pizzas and I loved it. (I don't know that the boys were that impressed, but it was way easier than cranking out the normal popcorn and smoothies.)

Saturday morning we got up and headed to town for our first soccer game. The boys had a blast. Brant did a great job coaching. (And no, he has never coached or even played soccer before, but they were a bit desperate.) And yes, I cried when my little guys took the field for the first time. I was so proud and so thankful that they get to have such a "normal" American kid experience.

 Elijah did a great job at his first soccer game. He got "defensive player" of the game.

I was so proud of Caleb. He tends to be nervous at stuff like this, but he just got out there and ran his little heart out. 

 My little buddy with his Uncle Wes on the side lines. I love this picture.

The assistant coach, coach and the two little soccer men after the game!

After the game we dropped the boys off at a birthday party for a good friend. It occurred to me after the party that the boys have seen blog pics of their little friend's birthday parties for years and have never had a chance to go to one. They had a blast. It was another "I'm thankful we're here" type of moments.

And on the way home, just when you thought life could not get any more exciting.... we visited Petco and came home with "Colors"....

It's a Beta, in case you can't tell. :)

Getting the aquarium ready. (Thank you, Annette, for the Goodwill find!)

 Our new pet! (No, you can't see him, but he's there) :)

The rest of the weekend was filled with getting a Netflix subscription and watching lots of movies; getting the boys into the children's choir at church (their Christmas program is December 9!) and talking with family in far off places (but still on the same continent!)

I am so, so thankful for fun chances to rest and enjoy normal life here in America.

And please pray the fish makes it til December. It's getting a little over-fed at the moment.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you guys are having fun!!! Those look like some happy boys with their new pet:)
