Friday, September 14, 2012

Highlights of an American Summer

I know I have been horrible about blogging lately. I guess I have been too busy living life to record it... so I'm not sure what that means about our life overseas.... :)

I have LOVED this summer. There have definitely been some challenging aspects to it, but for the most part, I am have been SO thankful for the chance to have picnics in the park, play at the beach and stuff myself on fresh berries.

So, more for the sake that I want to record our precious memories than I'm sure you want to see all my family photos, I'm going to share some high points of our summer...

We finished out our major road trip and landed in San Diego for the month of June. ENOUGH time in the car for a life time!

Beach. Lots of beach time in San Diego. I think the city tourism department would be disappointed it did not live up to the little boys' "I live by a tropical beach" standards. They kept asking why the sand was so dirty (not bleach white!) and why we couldn't go snorkeling!

Father's Day in San Diego - getting to hear Tim Tebow speak at Qualcomm stadium. Eiljah was so excited - and I was brought to tears - to discover that Tim grew up on a small tropical island with his missionary parents. My little guy has a new idol. 

LOTS of fresh berries throughout the summer! The boys liked "raspberry hats" the best.

Lego Land for the boys (with Grandma and Gappy)....

...while Brant and I went away for THREE nights to a B&B in La Jolla. 

Making berry flag dessert with the boys on the 4th

       Sparklers at night after a picnic and swimming with good friends; small town parade in the morning... a pretty perfect 4th

Camping with Grandma and Grandpa in Big Sur.

We visited more children's museums than I could count. Really fun days. 

The boys discovered bouncy houses and thought every slide or playground was built just for them. MANY fun hours spent at playgrounds. 

A great day at the Fair in California with Brant's family. We even saw Wilbur and got to ride the Ferris Wheel. :) 

 This  might be one of my favorite pics of Ezra. ever. This was also at the Fair at the Firemen's booth. He was one happy camper. He tells me he wants to be a fireman when he grows up... but I think he thinks fires are fought with swords as he's usually brandishing some sharp object when he tells me that. 

Dear friends blessed us with tickets to the water park. 

Brant braved this crazy ride...

...So did Elijah! This is his "I am way WAY proud of myself" look after he got out of the pool. I didn't actually get a picture of him going down the ride... I was praying too hard. My baby!!!

And watching the Olympics was a WAY fun family tradition we started. The boys loved it! They actually mostly watched in the morning; but Brant and I and his parents would put the boys to bed, pop popcorn and stay up til all hours cheering for a bunch of people I had never heard of before (and have since forgotten their names!) but they were AMERICAN. :)

In August we moved to Texas and had a fun Labor Day family reunion in San Antonio... which of course, meant the Zoo and the Alamo. The boys really got into the guns and swords aspect and still play "Texans" and "Mexicans" all the time. We're not really politically correct around here. :)

So thankful for our fun American summer!

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