Saturday, January 22, 2011

Just for Grandpa

Brant's grandfather served in WWII and actually landed at Normandy... on the boat, wash up to shore, the whole bit. Pretty cool. Except that, as the story goes, as he was sloshing up to the beach, he fell in a hole. He was real thin and under the weight of his pack, he fell face first in the water, and couldn't get back up.... almost added to the casualty list. One his fellow soldiers reached over, pulled him up and they both made it to the beach and won the war. :)

So the other day, we checked out a military picture book from the library. Brant read it to the boys and talked about all the pictures; I didn't realize all he had told them, but a couple days later I read the book to them again and "learned" quite a bit of military facts and trivia from the boys....

Elijah: This is the boat Daddy's grandpa was on when he was on the beach.

Caleb: Yeah, he fell in the water because he had no fat. People with no fat can't swim. Daddy's grandpa can't swim. Our grandpa can swim because he has fat!

We love you, Grandpa! :)

1 comment:

  1. What a great story! I am thrilled that Brant remembered the stories I told him about his grandpa and that his boys remembered so much detail that they could pass the information on to their mommy...including the higher level thinking that connects WWII history to the present-day science of body fat!!!!! Grandpa says he is so glad his little boys are thinking of him and that he is looking forward to going swimming with them!

    Our love to all of you ~ MKG & DRG
