Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Snow in a can

Yesterday we got a package from Brant's sister. The highlight was a small tin can... of snow. Yes, of all the great things in America, you can now buy instant snow. The boys were beyond thrilled... I still don't think they understand that's it's not the real stuff...

I didn't take a picture, but inside the can was a small bag with about 2 tablespoons of white powder. You add water, stir and tah-dah.... snow!!! It's soft and fluffy and a tad on the sticky side (read: sticks to everything and is a PAIN to clean up) but the boys have literally spent hours yesterday and today sitting at the kitchen table playing with it. Just the other day I was complaining to Brant about how I have so little time to get work done around the house... you would be amazed at all I accomplished today while the boys played with the snow. :)

It's disappearing fast - partly because it "evaporates" (that's what the instructions said) and partly because every time they play with it more gets lost stuck all over the table, their clothes and themselves. But, like the real stuff, it will be fun while it lasts. :)

Elijah even built a tiny snowman, complete with construction paper face. (He's frowning because he's so small... that's what Elijah said.)

What a really fun treat - thanks, Amber!


  1. Wow! That auntie of your is pretty clever! Don't you know, I wish I had thought of it first! I guess this can now be considered yet another "Kindle gift"!!!! It's sure a funny sight to see little boys playing with snow barechested. I guess your Auntie Amber and Uncle Beau are getting plenty of the real stuff. Uncle Beau sent pics, yesterday. Couldn't even see their house! I think it is way too cold up there to be building any snowmen! I'm so glad you boys enjoyed it so much. My love to all of you ~ Grandma

  2. Snow much fun... sorry, had to be corny. Love the sad snowman. What a fun treat for the boys, and for busy mommy!
