Wednesday, July 7, 2010

It was THIS big

Brant and I were eating lunch this afternoon while the big boys were out playing. Elijah ran in: "Dad, I saw a lizard and it was THIS big (holding out arms as wide as they could go). I'm going to catch it and put it in my bug box."

Brant was out the door in a flash, grabbed a shovel "to help catch it" (wink,wink) and searched for a "lizard" ...a bit concerned that all the neighborhood talk of poisonous snakes might actually be true (like the one about the coconuts falling and killing kids!) But Elijah, turns out, knows his animals, and it was in fact, just a lizard... a really big lizard, with a looooooong tail - hence the THIS big (was maybe 2 feet total, but 3/4 of that was tail)

Helen, our house help lady, was here today and she saw it and said it was dangerous (not poisonous though), so Brant did try to use the shovel on it (after he tried to use the camera on it!) but no luck on either count... the thing could move!

1 comment:

  1. Elijah, it sounds like Grandma is going to have to send you a bigger bug box...a MUCH bigger bug box! I am so proud of you and your knowledge of animals. I am also quite proud of your daddy for be "pro-active". Do let me know if you see that big "old" lizard again! Love ~ Grandma
