Friday, July 16, 2010

The beach

There are some great things about living here. One of them is the beach. We live on the coast, but it's not easy to get to the beach; and after living here for a while, I have a new understanding of tropical beaches. Those beautiful calander pictures you see of the palm trees and clear water and empty sandy beaches? They are empty because it's a pain to get to them... and behind all those palm trees are no restuarants, gas stations, or any place to wash your hands or go to the bathroom. Getting to the beach for us involves an hour's drive down a bumpy road then a 20 minute boat ride to the nearest stretch of sandy isolation with no bathrooms. It takes a lot of planning and is definitely a full day trip.

This week we went to the beach with 3 other families.... all with little kids. Elijah was the oldest! It was a lot of fun. Here are some of the highlights.

Elijah with his sand castle. He had help. :)

Caleb and his starfish. There were some really cool neon blue ones, that I didn't get a picture of.

Ezra "talking" - this is a classic look for him these days - lots of noises and pointing. He loved the beach once he got used to the idea of the sand.


  1. It looks like everyone is having a great time. I am so glad you got a chance for a little R & R. I hope you get to go again soon. My love to all ~ Grandma

  2. I wish I was at that beach- it looks like fun!
