Thursday, July 1, 2010

Third time is not a charm

Ezra trying his hardest not to swallow.

Both Elijah and Caleb had this horrible habit of not swallowing their food when it was something they didn't like. We would shove whatever we were having for dinner in their mouths (I know you're not supposed to do that cause they could choke...) and then the little monster would hold it in his mouth crying that he didn't like it - for at least 5 minutes. I remember once Elijah screaming about not wanting to eat his bell peppers... it was probably 20 minutes before he would actually swallow the bell pepper piece in his mouth - he just sat there crying with the bell pepper hanging out of his mouth. Trying to explain to a 2 year old that the faster he swallows the faster the taste is out of his mouth is impossible. We've tried.

Yes, we are horrible parents. Yes, we torture our children and grandma would NEVER make them keep bell pepper in their mouths for 20 minutes...

So tonight Ezra joined the screaming-refusing to swallow his food hall of fame, when we had BBQ chicken sandwiches; I think he's just into being stubborn as he usually loves chicken and loves all things related to bread. He was mad that I wouldn't give him any more french fries until he ate his chicken.

I had to get a picture with his chicken piece hanging out of his mouth. He would not swallow it - just kept it in his mouth and screamed. Brant and I had a big argument over where in the world the boys picked up this trait... certainly not from their mother!

While Ezra was screaming and carrying on over his chicken pieces, Caleb and Elijah very calmly and quietly ate all their bell pepper spears covered in Ranch dressing... 2 down, 1 to go.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, Ezra, we need to talk...your mommy is right...Grandma would NEVER make you keep anything in your mouth for 20 minutes!!! I just couldn't. It goes against the definition of "grandma". Wouldn't you agree? I really don't know where you boys picked up this trait as your daddy never did such a thing. However...if memory serves me...going back many, many years...maybe you boys got this from your Gappy! We'll have to ask her when she gets home. Help me remember to ask her. I love you, Sweetheart. ~ Grandma
