Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Ezra is 18 months old now. I think 18 months has to be my favorite age. Old enough to communicate and interact with the world; too young to talk back. :) Ezra is a doll, still my baby, but every day turning into a little boy. Here are some of his recent goings on....

No, he still doesn't walk. Crawling is much faster and he is very adept and pushing books across the floor, crawling with our cell phones, keys or the TV remote. He also CLIMBS.... he has figured out lately that he can push our ottoman across the floor anywhere and climb up on it... to reach the top shelves of the bookshelf, the top of Brant's desk, you name it.

Papaya... the kid could live off of it. I don't know what we would do if we had to move back to States unexpectedly.

I love this... he's into trying to dress himself lately. Here, he put his bib "on." He actually ate the whole meal, holding the bib on with one hand and eating with the other. :)

Ezra loves to "go" As soon as we tell him we're going he heads off to the shelf by the door where we store our shoes. As fast as he can "shos, shos, shos, shos" and grabs his little shark Robeez. :) Since he got to go on the motorcycle with Brant, he often wears his helmet around the house... can never be too prepared. :)

Ezra sucking his thumb at night.... every time we put him down for nap or bedtime it's the same... he grabs his rag, wads it up and sticks his thumb in his mouth this way. He's still my baby.

1 comment:

  1. Ezra ~ I don't blame your mommy for saying you are still her baby. You are! And you are an absolutely adorable baby at that! I so appreciate your mommy sharing pictures and stories of you and your brothers, so we can watch you grow up, even though you are so very far away. Getting around as well as you are by crawling, your mommy and daddy had better have their track shoes handy for when you start walking/running!!! That papaya looks great! I wonder if it is helping to make your hair so pretty and bright. You know, flamingos get their pink legs and feet from eating shrimp! I am so proud of you for starting to dress yourself. I notice you are eating with your left hand. Does that mean you will be left-handed??? Your mommy will love you all the more if you are! I love the helmet! You are definitely a "go-go boy". It looks like you have the nap/bedtime thing down pat. So did your big brother, Caleb!!! You are adorable, Sweetheart. I love you so much! ~ Grandma
