Sunday, August 1, 2010

This week

Ezra took his first motorcycle ride with Brant. He LOVED it. He now goes around wearing his helmet.... usually backwards. :)

Caleb "hiding" from me. "Mom, come find me!"

We cut Elijah's hair today... school starts in less than 3 weeks, and he was looking pretty shaggy. We still haven't decided whether or not we're going to put him in the MK school or not. Money is an issue, but so is logistics with it being an afternoon only class. :P One day he is really excited to go to "school with the big kids" and the next day he wants to "do school at home like Jaden" (his friend here in town who will home school kinder this year) So praying for wisdom - fast! :)

1 comment:

  1. Ezra on a motorcycle...Elijah going to school...Caleb hiding so successfully from his grandsons are certainly growing up! My love to all of them ~ Grandma
