Thursday, April 7, 2011


Thursday is my laundry day. Helen does all the towels and sheets on Wednesdays, but I wash all our clothes myself on Thursdays... if the weather is good and I think the laundry will dry.... and if we have electricity and I can run the washer... sometimes I have to wash on Fridays. :)

Washing machines are a TAD different here. We have a "twin tub" - meaning one tub is for washing and the other tub is for wringing. It's semi-automatic - meaning, it will do the actual agitating and spinning, but I have to do everything else.

I fill the wash tub with a hose - add the clothes and then turn the dial to "wash." When it's finished washing, then I drain all the water and move all the clothes to wringing tub; spin them out; turn the hose back on to rinse them; then spin them out to "dry" them as much as possible before hanging them on the line.

It takes a LOT of time.

I usually do 3-4 loads a week and if I get laundry started the second I wake up - before I even say good morning to anyone, I could be done by one in the afternoon... which on a hot day, still gives it enough time to dry before dark.

But I am very thankful to Brant's aunt Pat - who took one look at my sorry excuse for a washer and promptly went out and bought me an extra Christmas present - a new washer! The washer that I had been using came with the house - our neighbors told me that the family who originally rented the house had bought it when they moved in - nine years ago! The thing had held up surprisingly well, but it was small and it leaked and it lacked several really nice features.... basically it got the job done but was a pain in rear end. :)

My new washer is WONDERFUL! It has knobs where I can set "soak" cycles and vary the agitating speed from "gentle" to "normal" to "strong." And it can rinse and wring at the same time. I know, I know you are not impressed. But you've gotta remember this is not America and it's been over two years since I've even seen an automatic washing machine! (Well, I guess I've seen some in magazines.... I dream about them - such wonders that you can just throw the clothes in and come back 45 minutes later and they're done!) :)

The best thing about my new washer is that the tubs are HUGE. I can wash twice as much at one time as I could with my other washer (which is good as little boy clothes keep getting bigger and adding to more laundry!) That, combined with the nifty "rinse and wring" cycle at the same time and it saves me a couple hours each week.... which means I can be lazy and start at nine and still be done before one... or I can get my act together and have everything done by ten in the morning and have the rest of the day to lay around and eat bon-bons. :)

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